Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Holy Snow Day Batman!!!!

I wouldn't have believed it-- if I hadn't been outside myself. It snowed in Vegas-- and I mean Snowed!!!!!! I saw it when i woke up about 7am and it continued till about 3pm. I even have some pictures for ya of yesterday

This is how it was about 8am...Not very exciting i know-- wait it gets bettter-- i gotta build ya up.. so here is 830 am
and 9am-- and my mom and I are still in shock and I am surveying my domain ( and the nieghbors)
Here front of the house at around 11am

and noon!! It was great!!!
and here we are at about 2pm
Can't have snow without a little 'yellow'

Do ya like my jacket? Sorry it's last seasons..it will have to do

Here is close up of me in my front yard. I know it looks like Tahoe!

Hope all you other doggs stayed toasty indoors!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Guess whos bday it is today!!!

Yes yes yes-- It's my barkday today....I'm a whole 3 years old--which is 21 in dog years-- so in honor of this--- my furless sister has gotten in her birthday suit!! Let's just hope we dont look back on this when she is 21 and we find out she is posting naked pics of herself because of this post, lol.

It has been pretty busy around here--getting ready for xmas and all! We even took pics last night for xmas cards-- here's a preview : ) As you can tell-- I was thrilled.

I knowi keep saying I will post more-- i swear I will-- i just have to figure out how to open the laptop-- darn peeps with their thumbs!
