Well-- this weekend was really boring. My parents played video games all weekend... VIDEO GAMES!!!! The new
PS3 has taken my parents!!!! To top it off it was beautiful outside. Here I am lounging, wishing I could go outside and play..but
noooo, my mean parents would rather play
Oblivion or
Resistance.. how old do they think they are..Geezzz..I mean, come on now!!!Aren't

you guys almost 40??? Am I asking too much? Just 10 minutes!!!!
Ok, maybe 10 minutes out, 2 minutes in, 10 minutes out, 1 hour in, 2 minutes out...1 minute in...---I just love the climate change. And the treats, he he!
Well, hopefully this weekend my parents will pay more attention to me :)
I'm out---
Hi, Bernard.
Its so sad you had to spend your weekend inside your house and even more if the weather was so nice.
I hope you have better luck next time.
I think you neet to have a serious talk with your parents!
Have a nice day
Well Bernard I DID invite you to the BT meetup on Saturday but your Mom told my Mom it would be too hot. Next time I'll come and pupnap you ok!!! You need to get out and work on your tan!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
woaah I get ignored for those dumb video games too, what in the heck is that all about. it is either that or baseball. LAME
Wait until they go out and chew the controls.
Simba xx
That is total neglect & I'm calling the ASPCA (once I figure out how to push the right buttons with my mushy nose). My Dad plays those video things too and he YELLS!! Mom hates video games but she's aways reading or watching movies. Lazy folks we have!
Hope next weekend is better!
Hey Bernard, As much as that sucks, you do look extremely handsome on the back of the couch.
Yeah, I say chew the controls or pee on the box!
Oscar x
you look so sad there in thos pictures, I wish you could come and walk with me, we have long, long walkies here in Bonnie Scotland!
Hi Buddy,
You look so sad.At my house my mommy reads or is on the computer...ALL-THE -TIME....
I hope your parents will pay more attention to you this weekend! Lizzy has to pay more attention to me, too. She's on the computer too much!
I'm with you, man! What is it with the hoomans? They have opposable thumbs, so they think they always have to use them.
Need some of us to teach them how to treat you, buddy? They obviously don't know how good they have it with such a patient boy as you.
Hurting for you, bud.
Goob love,
THE NERVE!!!! I think you should poop all over their video games.
That would teach them a lesson!
Frenchie Snorts
Hey Bernard,
I have to agree with Balbao, just destroy that PS3 machine. It's evil evil evil!!
Are your parents still playing video games. I hope they have time to feed, play, and spoil you.
Frenchie Snorts
Where are you, Bernie???!!!
Love you, man!
Goob Stanley
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