Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Confessions of a "Rockin' Dogg'

Some very sad news i have had a hard time reporting on...if you haven't been on the FBRN site or on Balboa's Site--Churchill has lost his brave battle. He has joined Scubee in the freedom from pain and suffering and they now have the great memories of the ones who loved them to surround them.

I leave this post with a heavy heart and wish I could I could stop crying. Here's lookin at you


I must confess to my fellow bloggers, I felt lonely not have ANY awards. I was rather jealous seeing how Ruby, Oscar, Joey Stains (& Tanner), and lots of others--- had blog awards. Now---I finally have an award. Thank you Peanut for the bestest (cuz it's my first) award ever!!!!!! I accept this award in honor of Churchill.

Now I get to give this AWARD to 5 other boy bloggers who ROCK!!!! In no particular order

Pippadog--who is our Johnny Cash's "Boy named Sue"
Balboa-- I know, he already has the award ---this is for helpin' spread the love about Churchill
Marvin--My mom loves all things Scottish
Sparky--Because you ARE cool when your tail is purple
Ike--Don't we all want to hang with some good lookin doggs?

**Hug your animals and remember how special they are**


Ruby Bleu said...

I was so sad this morning reading about Churchill. He was a very brave boy...I will always remember him.

Congrats on the award! YOU are totally rockin!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Rock on doggie.

Simba xx

Dandy Duke said...

Mom is all teary-eyed reading about Churchill. This is so sad.
Congrats on your award! You obviously appreciate it very, very much!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

You do rock so you deserve the award. I am glad I got to give it to you. We were sorry to hear about churchill. We take comfort in the fact that he was loved at the end of his life.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bernard.
Its so sad to know about Churchill.
Congratulations on your award!
You are a rockin' guy!
Have a nice day

Gwyn Valentine said...

I am really sorry to hear abt churchill :(
I understand how it feels to lose a fren.
Anyway, i think u totally deserve a Rocking Blogger award. You got a rocker look!
Have a great weekend!


Tadpole said...

YAAAAY for your award!!! You totally ROCK!

ps = we are crying too... so sad. :*(

Katherine and Pippa said...

We didn't know Churchill. We hate sad doggy stories.

Thanks for the award - we did laugh - lots.


Emily and Ike said...

Thanks for the award. I am very sorry about Churchill, but what he had looked very painful and I'm happy to know that he is no longer in pain.

Stanley said...

Hey, Bernard.

You're reminding me how many doggies and hoomans lives Churchill touched. At least he's running free now!

By the way, I never doubted that YOU ROCK. Now all the rest of the world can know at first glance to your blog!

Your goober bud,

Balboa said...

I still can't get over Churchill, I don't understand HOW humans would do that to him. But I am glad he finally found love and took that with him to Rainbow Bridge.

I know that Churchill is running around with Scubee, and all the other doggies before him looking down on us and smiling.

FrogDogz said...

Hey all:

We're all sad about Churchill, but at least we know he's in a better place, and free of pain.

Here's another sad Frenchie in need of help - a poor little refugee from a puppy mill, looking for a chance at a happy life:

Cosette needs your help, and FCR is drastically underfunded.

Please help spread the word about Cosette.

Tessa and the Bullmarket Frenchies