Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My friend Quincy

I guess when it rains it pours. I found out that my first and best friend in the natural world passed away today. He was a proud basset hound who, unlike me, decided not to blog but rather watch over his parents and their home and I looked up to him for that. I always got so excited when we got to go visit him. I am so sad for his parents because he made them so happy everyday and I am sorry for the pain they are going through.
I know I am a better dog because I knew Quincy.
Thank you for everything Quincy. I will miss you.


Katherine and Pippa said...

Sorry to hear that. It's never easy.


Dandy Duke said...

I'm so sorry Bernard. Losing friends is just so hard :-(

Love ya lots,

Balboa said...

I am so sorry you lost your friend, he sounds like a very special dog. I bet he's watching over you right now.


Peanut said...

We are sorry to hear about Quincy. He sounds like he was a good friend to have.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Bernard...I'm so sorry buddy. Lots of Licks to you today...Ruby

Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about Quincy.
Sure it was a great friend of you.
We will pray for him and his family
Take care

Tadpole said...

I'm so very sorry you lost a good friend. It's so painful, especially at the beginning when you're trying to get used to the idea of never seeing him again at his house. :*( My cousin Sadie who just passed away loved bassetts, so she's probably running around with him up there right now. They'll watch over us both!

kfinkler said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, its been a hard week. we're thinking of you and quincy.

- kassi

Lizzy said...

I'm so sorry to hear that! I'll be prayin' for his humans.


Stanley said...


So sorry to hear about Quincy. I'm sending you and his family extra goober love & hugs. It's been a hard week, man.

Goober love,

Simba and Jazzi said...

So sorry, sending a hug .

Simba xx

wally said...

Bernard, So sorry to hear about your friend. What a tough week in the dogworld.


Emily and Ike said...

I'm so sorry about your pal.

Frasier said...

Hi Bernard
Its not easy having a loved one leave us !

coco said...

so sorry to hear about your dear friend. my cousin sadie the cocker just went to the heavenly realm too. we miss her lots.

love, coco