To let you know we are all still breathing. My mom has been super bad and not cooperating with my needing to update my blog. However, her large project has ended-- so she thinks the long nights/weekends are over : ) My fur sister is doing is picture of us from this last weekend

It's been really poopie weather here so there hasnt been many walks (contribuitng to my weight gain)-- but our 1 week of spring is alsmost here before the heat wave all summer,lol. Ok, Im gonna play 2 months of catch up and see what all you doggs are doing!!!
I'm glad you are having a great time with your new sister! Someday she will old enough to play tug and fetch, I bet. :)
How awesome to see you, Bernard! You look exactly the same to us - no extra poundage at all! Your mom's hair looks beautiful and your sissy is just adorable and getting so big! Thanks for checking in! We've missed you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Bernard...I've missed you!!! So tell your Mom she looks fab!!!! Her hair looks super awesome and please give little Sloan a big lick for me, ok?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Sounds like you have been busy.
Simba and Jazzi xx
Hi, Bernard!
Glad to see you again!
Your mom looks so pretty and your little sis too!
I hope you are not in a diet!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Bernard!
Thanks for the update! Your baby sister is SO cute!! I love the picture of you and her together. Your mom looks great too, please tell her her hair looks good too.
Love Clover xo
Hehehe, Like the photo of you and your baby sister. Seems like you told a great joke and your sister chuckling away.
Hope the weather will be better this week for you. Here's Dog Woods Pack sending you some clear skies and bright warm sunny days!
Licks and wags
Tuffy of Dog Woods
I like your mom's hair.
Your little sister is so cute, and boy can you make her laugh. Now you just have to train her to give you food.
Frenchie Snorts
That' so unfair about the new car , isn't it? Humans have this weird thing about the new car smell -- somehow they prefer it to the good old familiar smell of dog. Crazy, no?
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dog beds and more
Great seeing that you're having such a fun time with your new sister. Looks like the weather hasn't been for walkies lately. Hope you're having a great day. Thanks for the share.
World of Animals
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