Monday, August 6, 2007

CUZ or not to CUZ

I can finally say----'I cuz'----can you believe it!!! My mom finally got hip to the whole CUZ thing. If you remember one of my first posts--I had been so deprived, I didn't even know what a Cuz was. Joe Stains, Tadpole, Toby and Reina will be sooooo proud of me!!!!

I was at Petsmart, which i hadn't been to in a while--and saw bad cuz,good cuz, dino cuz--

i couldn't make up my mind---but--finally deciding on a medium bad cuz--cuz i am so badd..he he he.

I love the way it bounces and squeaks--I am not sure if it will replace the Ruby's frog--but this will get some good 'quality' time with me..I am sure of it.

The little horns are the cutest, but the feet are the best part---maybe I am starting to have a foot fetish??

Bernard :)


Unknown said...

You got a little devil in ya! Feets are best for biting. So glad you are not so deprived anymore.


Joe Stains said...

Thank DOG, I sometimes lose sleep over my dog friends who do not have at least one cuz in their lives. I just adore mine, like a LOT.

Dandy Duke said...

We have the bad Cuz too, only ours is orange! Mitch chewed off the horns but the feet are still intact! We both LOVE Cuz!

Love ya lots,

Peanut said...

We had cuz but neither Flash or I liked them so they sat out in the yard until they were no good and mom threw them away. I'm glad you like yours though.

Ruby Bleu said...

Well it is about time your Mom wised up Bernard!!! It's so great you finally got one!!! Yay!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

coco said...

what a fun toy!!!

thanks for visiting my blog - i added you to my crew, hope that's ok! you are such a little stud and it looks like you live a fabulous life out there in CA - mom loves the related blog about all the cycle races, etc. - how cool!

happy to get to know you! coco

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bernard.
Your wish came true! When I got my bad cuz I played with it for about 2 minutes (while my mom took pictures) but never again. Now it stays there in my toy box!
Glad you liked yours!
Have a nice day

Casper and pals said...

Hey we got a cuz exactly like yours. Nikki is the only one of us who likes it, but boy does she!

Woofs, Casper

Tadpole said...

Oh YAAAAAY Bernard!!! The horns are fun to chew on, but you can whip it around by the feet! And you can bring it into your parents' bed REALLY early in the morning and squeak it REALLY LOUDLY and it makes them yell and it's really funny! You're gonna love it more each day!

wally said...

I can't get behind any toy that doesn't have fuzz on it but I'm glad you enjoy The Cuz.
