Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hibernation and Quantum Physics???

Where to start. Well I guess I should thank Miss Ruby for making me come outta my hibernation. Ruby seems to have caught on to a Parallel Universe where I am a Model. I knew I had it in me-- but it took that picture and my reading up on Quantum Physics and the Many Worlds Theory to realize that really is me in that ad!! I don't know how to explain it to my parents-- they just wont understand-- I guess in small in words like- woof and argggg and awrrrrwwrr. Well maybe that last one was a little to big for them.
I would love to have pics in this post, however my dad is out of town and has the camera and my mom can't find the old one. Maybe later this week it will 'show up'.
So... I should also apologize to all my fellow dogg bloggers-- I haven't read a post in over a month! So I have lots to catch up on. I heard there was even a Wedding!!! So I promise I will spend lots of time reading everyone's great wordly exploits.



Stanley said...

Welcome back!

You have been missed, my Bernoober bud.

Goober love,

Duke said...

Wow! We won't tell anyone about your secret life if you tell us all first! We promise!
Great to hear from you, Bernard!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

We are so glad your back.

Harry said...

Glad you're safe and well!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Tadpole said...

word, bernard. i model occasionally too (for ikea, you know) and i don't like to brag about it either. makes other pups jealous.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bernard
Sure we all missed you! Glad you are back!
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

welcome back!! we missed you!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm glad you are back.

Simba xx

Randi said...

Hi Bernard! I've missed you! So glad you are back! Can't wait to see your modeling pics..I bet you are SOOOOOOOOO HANDSOME!

Love & Licks,

Amber-Mae said...

Heya Bernard! Welcome back! We missed you...Hope to hear more from you soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh welcome back Bernard!

Clover said...

Welcome back, Bernard! We missed you!
Love Clover xo

Katherine and Pippa said...

Looking forward to catching up with you.


Frasier said...

Hi Bernard
How are you ?